XMPP JavaScript Library READ MORE
Cakephp isAjax and AngularJS issue
If you are using Angular JS to send AJAX request and Cakephp isAjax function is not considering this
JavaScript function to change multiple css of an element
This is a small function to change multiple css properties of a target element.
How to create JQuery like chain functions in JavaScript
JavaScript Chain functions are easy way of calling multiple functions on same object in a chain.
Calling JavaScript function after AJAX Call
This is a common problem for any JavaScript developer. You you are also facing this problem then i h
How to use OOPs in JavaScript
This tutorial will give you an example of using OOPs concets in JavaScript.
Solution for "getElementsByClassName not working in IE"
getElementByClassName works in almost all browsers like Chrome, Mozilla but not with IE. This is one
Some useful Java Script Expressions
Here i am giving a list of some useful JavaScript statements, which are rarely used but are very imp
Dynamicaly Adding Images to a DIV Using JavaScript
Dynamicaly Adding Images to a DIV Using JavaScript
Fill DIV Dynamically using Java Script
Fill DIV Dynamically using Java Script
Get Mouse Position on web page Using Java Script
This code will display mouse position on web page.
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