Those who are facing CPU Overheating problem are at right place because I also faced it and I also read so many blogs to find the solution, so after finding and implementing solution I decided to share my experience which may help others like me.
If you are in hurry you can directly jump to After Installation but I recommend you read full article which may help in taking right decision.
Following is my build
Processor: i7-3770K (not over clocked)
Motherboard: DH77KC
RAM: 16 GB (Corsair vengeance DDR3 8GB x 2)
SMPS: 500 Watt
SSD: 500 GB
CPU Cooler: Intel Stock
Build Year: 2012
My build was great and it worked fine until I started using blender (Open Source 3D software), so whenever i try to render my CPU temperature rises to 105 degree Celsius which is too high.
I tried changing Thermal Paste (not branded, I got it from one of my friend), but it did not do the job, so I googled for the solution, and I got following solutions.
1. Change thermal paste and use some branded one, because cheap ones are useless.
2. Buy some decent Aftermarket cooler
3. CPU Delidding (very very tedious job, I don't recommend doing it)
Now the simplest and cheapest solution was to change Thermal paste a branded one because I already used cheap one which did not do the job. so I googled for the a good branded and reputed thermal paste. All of them we costly and I was in confusion whether or not it is going to solve the problem. Further, in twice of amount of thermal paste I was getting a decent Air cooler with Thermal Paste included so I dropped the idea of buying a branded thermal paste.
So the next solution was to buy a Aftermarket cooler, in this also there were two choices 1. Air Cooler, 2. Liquid Cooler, because liquid coolers are more expensive and can damage entire system if leaked, I went with Air cooler.
Selecting and buy Air cooler was also not that simple because there are so many products and models in the market which creates confusion. After going through long list of air coolers I selected 1. Cooler Master Hyper 212x and 2. Deepcool Gammaxx 400, both are decent Air coolers.
Now to decide which one to buy was not simple because of the dimension of these. 212x was big in height and it will not fit in my cabinet, and I was not ready to buy new cabinet, and Deepcool 400's width was the problem because it may collide with RAM and Hard Disk.
So after doing some measurements I took the decision to buy Deepcool Gammaxx 400 (because it was cheap too)
Now I have my new Deepcool Gammaxx 400 in hand but I don't like to open my computer cabinet very much but I have to, so I picked up a screw drive and started the job, and as I anticipated RAM and HDD was coming in the way, so I moved the RAM in different slots, and moved the HDD & SDD also.
I used following video for learn the Installation
After Installation
After installation I started my PC, and I started Core Temp (it's a free tool to view CPU temperatures)
CPU Load |
Before Temperature |
After Temperature |
Idle |
58-60 Degree Celsius |
29-30 Degree Celsius |
100% Load |
105 Degree Celsius (In 5-10 Sec) |
60 Degree Celsius (Even after 10 Min) |
Idle CPU Temprature
100% Load for 9 minutes
So I got the solution after installing Deepcool Gammaxx 400 but I am confused that who did the job Thermal paste which I got with Deepcool Gammaxx 400 or it was Deepcool Gammaxx 400 itself.
Further, talking about noise level of fan, there is no noticeable noise.