Installing, configuring and running Tomcat 6
Sachin Puri,
2010-04-25 22:01:40
- Download Tomcat from
- Go to Core -> Zip (Download Zip file)
- Install Tomcat.
- Unzip zip file
- Copy “apache-tomcat-6.0.20” folder in D:/
- Rename “apache-tomcat-6.0.20” to “tomcat6”
- Install JDK 6+ if not already installed
- Setting Environment variables
Go to desktop -> Right Click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System variables and set following variables
- CLASSPATH = .;D:\Tomcat6\libservlet-api.jar;D:\Tomcat6\libjsp-api.jar
- JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Javajdk1.6.0_10 (This is path where you installed JDK)
- CATALINA_HOME = D:\Tomcat6
- PATH = D:\Tomcat6;C:\Program Files\Javajdk1.6.0_10
- Running Tomcat
- Open command prompt
- Type: “startup” to run tomcat
- Open browser and type http://localhost:8080
- Stopping Tomcat
- Open command prompt
- Type: “shutdown.bat” to stop tomcast