Checksum is a method which is used in Network Management to detect errors occured during transmission.
In this methods all the data segments are added using ones complement method, and then result is complemented. This complemented result is known as checksum and it is appended to data. Now original data segments and checksum is transmitted across the network.
Receiver adds all the received segments and if the result is all 1's then the data received is error free and it is accepted by receiver.
Example :-
Sender's data 00000010 01010000
Add these segments using ones complement arithmetic:
01010010 Result
Now complement the result
10101101 Complemented Result (Checksum)
Now append this checksum at the end of original data segments
00000010 01010000 10101101
Data Received at Receiver end
00000010 01010000 10101101
Now Receiver will add these sagments
11111111 Sum
Because sum is all Ones it means data is received error free.