XMPP JavaScript Library READ MORE
Program to find all Armstrong numbers (PHP)
An Armstrong number is an n digit number, which is equal to the sum of the nth powers of its digits. [Read More]
Program to convert lower case string to upper case string
Program to convert lower case string to upper case string [Read More]
Program to reverse 'n' characters
Program to reverse 'n' characters [Read More]
Program to display Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two numbers
Program to display Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two numbers [Read More]
Program to display fibonacci series of given number
Program to display febonacci series of given number [Read More]
Program to check if the given matrix is magic square or not
Program to check if the given matrix is magic square or not [Read More]
Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. [Read More]
Program to check whether given number is a perfect number or not
A number is a perfect number if it is equal to sum of all of it's positive divisors excluding i [Read More]
Program to find all Armstrong numbers between 0 and 999
An Armstrong number of three digit is a number such that that sum of the cubes of it's digits [Read More]
Program to check whether given two numbers are Amicable or not
Amicable numbers are pair of those two numbers so related that sum of the proper divisors of the one [Read More]
Program to display factorial of a number
Algorithm to display factorial of a number [Read More]